1335 High St
Alameda, CA 94501

As you know, 2023 was another big year for ABG’s five Free Seed Libraries. With the help of our volunteers, we packed and gave out about 15,000 packets of seeds to gardeners all across the island. From the feedback many people had fun and learned from growing the seeds.
In February, we held our first seed packing party of 2024 which supplied all the seeds for spring 2024 planting. Now it is time to pack up the seeds for summer planting. We will be hosting our next Seed Packing Party on March 24th from noon – 2PM at a covered garden location on the East End.
The Seed Packing Parties give ABG volunteers the opportunity to socialize while doing something meaningful for a finite amount of time. This party will allow us to stock the libraries through August. Volunteers are welcome to take seeds to plant at the end of the party.
We will have beverages and light snacks.
Please join us to keep the Alameda Free Seed Libraries going through the summer of 2024. Reply to this email to let us know if you will be able to attend.