
Meet the New Director of ARPD
Jan 23 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Meet the New Director of ARPD

Register today!

ABG will host a Meet and Greet with the new director of Alameda Recreation and Parks, Justin Long.

Justin Long, our new Rec and Parks Director, will talk about current park updates and projects such as De-Pave Park, Estuary Park Phase II, and the City Aquatic Center.

Justin Long is a highly-skilled parks and recreation professional who comes to the City of Alameda with extensive experience including: executive oversight of park operations as the Deputy Director of Parks for the City of San Jose, the Assistant Superintendent for Environmental Stewardship for the Parks and Recreation Board of the City of Minneapolis, and the Operations Manager for the City of Atlanta’s park system. Justin is also a landscape architect and resident of the City of Alameda.


Meanwhile you can read a recent article about Justin in the Alameda Post.

Dormant Pruning Workshop for Apple and Pear Trees
Feb 10 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Dormant Pruning Workshop for Apple and Pear Trees

Are you interested in learning how to prune an apple or pear tree, or in refining those skills? Join us for this hands-on workshop, as we discuss and demonstrate the best ways to shape semi-dwarfed pome fruit trees for better fruiting, summer sun penetration and access to the tree come harvest time!

NOTE: The orchard grounds where this workshop will be held are slightly uneven, and during the winter may be cold and/or damp. Attendees must be able to traverse the area on foot.


  • Please wear sturdy shoes, galoshes, hiking boots or work boots.
  • Bypass pruning shears
  • Gardening/work gloves
  • Other pruning equipment such as a pruning saw and/or loppers
  • Protect your eyes from errant twigs and branches by bringing clear safety goggles or safety glasses if you have them (sunglasses will also work, in a pinch).
  • Even in February you can work up a thirst while pruning, so you may want to bring a water bottle.

This event is adults only, please. We know that interest will exceed the space available and will keep a waiting list. If you register and are unable to attend, we need you to cancel at least 3 days in advance so that we can offer your space to someone else. Please cancel by emailing

Farm2Market is a social enterprise that is part of Alameda Point Collaborative. APC works to end homelessness by providing housing and services to create communities where formerly homeless families and individuals can flourish.

Please NOTE:  If rain is forecast for the morning of the workshop, attendees will be notified of cancellation via email the day before (Friday, February 9).  The pruning workshop will be rescheduled for the next possible Saturday morning where rain is not forecast (2/17, 24 or 3/2).  We will email attendees by the Thursday before the rescheduled workshop. 

Register here.

Volunteer Opportunity with the Free Seed Libraries
Feb 11 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Volunteer Opportunity with the Free Seed Libraries

2023 was another big year for ABG’s five Free Seed Libraries. With your help, we packed and gave out about 15,000 packets of seeds to gardeners all across the island. From the feedback we received, many people had fun and learned from growing the seeds.

For 2024, in addition to the varieties we have distributed in the past, we have purchased some exciting new seeds, including Rosso Sicilian stuffing tomato, Chadwick Cherry tomato, Champion II tomato, a mini red bell pepper, Thai basil, Spacemaster container cucumber, Costata Romanesco and Emperor’s Jade zucchini and a new Red Kuri squash. We are excited to plant these varieties…and to taste them!

As we gear up for spring planting, we need your help packing up seeds to go in the libraries. We will be hosting our next Seed Packing Party on February 11th from 1PM – 3PM at an indoor space (with a rollup door for air circulation). Seed Packing Parties give ABG volunteers the opportunity to socialize while doing something meaningful for a finite amount of time. This party will let us stock the libraries through April. Volunteers are welcome to take seeds to plant at the end of the party. We will have hot beverages and light snacks and will wind up before the Super Bowl kick-off!

Please join us to keep the Alameda Free Seed Libraries going through the spring of 2023. Email to let us know if you will be able to attend.