
Fall Plant Exchange
Oct 21 @ 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm

The Plant Exchange, a registered 501(c)(3) organization, is a community and a celebration that encourages resource sharing, reuse, recycling, and organic living. Our mission is to encourage green practices and support Oakland’s designation as one of the greenest cities in the country.

The premier program of The Plant Exchange is its semi-annual, free, one-day event where gardeners, landscapers, urban farmers, educators, and enthusiasts all come together to exchange plants, equipment, tools, and information about ways to make our urban environment more sustainable, aesthetic, and healthy.

The event also features gardening demos, food trucks, a live band, raffle prizes, and more! And, it is all free to everyone. For more information, visit

Citrus @ Rhythmix Cultural Works
Nov 14 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Learn about growing citrus in Alameda with Jeff Bridge, General Manager of Ploughshares Nursery.

Plant Daffodils at Bay Farm Island @ Bay Farm Island Library
Nov 18 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

The Bay Farm Free Library Needs Your Help!
Looking for a few folks who like to garden and don’t mind getting their hands in the dirt.

If you are interested in signing up for a PLANTING PARTY on Saturday November 18 at 1:00 p.m (weather permitting).
Please contact Lynda at (510)747-7787 or
Plan to bring work gloves and any garden tools you think might be helpful
Refreshments will be available

BECAUSE: The Bay Farm Island Library has received a wonderful gift of:
250 Daffodil bulbs (and some irises). They will look so beautiful come spring but, for that to happen the bulbs need to go in ground before the end of the month.

Dec 12 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

No ABG monthly meeting in December 2017.

Movie – Evolution of Organic @ Rhythmix Cultural Works
Jan 11 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Kick-off a Year of Sustainable Gardening!

Join Alameda Backyard Growers at 7PM on January 11, 2018 at Rhythmix Cultural Works for a screening of filmmaker Mark Kitchell’s new film: Evolution of Organic.

This is the story of organic agriculture, told by those who built the movement. A motley crew of back-to-the-landers, spiritual seekers and farmers’ sons and daughters reject chemical farming and set out to explore organic alternatives. It’s a heartfelt journey of change, from a small band of rebels to a cultural transformation in the way we grow and eat food. By now organic has gone mainstream, split into an industry oriented toward bringing organic to all people and a movement that has realized a vision of sustainable agriculture. It’s the most popular and successful outgrowth of the environmental impulse of the last fifty years.

Watch the trailer here.

Fruit Tree Pruning with Jeremy Watts @ Ploughshares Nursery
Jan 28 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

We can increase production, improve appearance, and insure overall health of our fruit trees with dormant-season pruning. Learn how and when to cut back your trees for maximum food production, as well as the basics of water-retention, pest management and tool maintenance.

Jeremy is the founder of Edible Ecology, a permaculture-based landscaping company in the East Bay.
He has studied fruit tree care extensively and enjoys sharing his knowledge with others.
Learn more about Edible Ecology at

Grafting workshop with John Wilson
Feb 3 @ 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Grafting workshop with John Wilson

John Wilson is here from Oklahoma to give one of his renowned grafting workshops here in Alameda, Ca. After he demonstrates some of the more popular grafts, such as cleft and whip grafts, attendees will have a chance to practice what they’ve learned on branches and trees in Jasmine’s garden. If you have your own grafting knife, please bring it. Jasmine will have knives to lend as well. The garden has more than 20 different fruit trees, (many multi-budded,) and is a great place to learn creative and attractive permaculture techniques. A potluck meal will be shared after the grafting workshop in the garden. Donations appreciated. Please RSVP in comments below on this page, or message Jasmine directly, so we can assure you a spot and give you the street address. We’ll schedule a second workshop for Sunday afternoon, same time if we get more than 12 people signed up. (Don’t worry, the TV will be on in the living room during Super bowl and we will break for half time) We look forward to seeing you!

The Plant Exchange Fundraising Plant Sale
Feb 10 @ 9:30 am – 2:00 pm

Find the perfect Valentine’s Day gift at our special plant sale onΒ Saturday, Feb. 10, fromΒ 9am – 1:30pm.Β We have a large variety of lush indoor plants and beautiful pots. All proceeds go towards keeping the Plant Exchange free and open to the public. See photos and flyer atΒ

Gardening 101 with Jeff Bridge
Feb 10 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Stay fromΒ 2-4pmΒ for Gardening 101: Everything You Need to Know as a Beginner Gardener taught by Jeff Bridge of Ploughshares Nursery. You will learn how to: choose soil, watering tricks, avoid common mistakes, and the basics of fertilization. Bring your questions and garden conundrums for Jeff to answer after the demonstration. Tickets are $10Β in advanceΒ or $12 at the door.

Bees and Beekeeping @ Rhythmix Cultural Works
Feb 20 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

with Lori Slicton, Old Schoolhouse Raw HoneyΒ 
February 20, 2018, 7 to 8:30 pm
Rhythmix Cultural Works,Β 2513 Blanding Avenue,Β Alameda

Join us for an introduction to the wonderful world of bees and beekeeping.Β  We’ll learn about the importance of bees and beekeeping and why the urban food farmer might want to add them to her plot.Β  Then Lori will provide us with an overview of beekeeping and we’ll taste some Alameda honey.

About our speaker: Lori Slicton lives in Alameda and keeps honeybees both in Alameda and in the Sonora foothills.Β  Through Old Schoolhouse Raw Honey, she makes and sells honey, natural remedies, and other bee-related products.