Hi Pickers!
Join us Saturday, August 25 from 2-4PM (depending on the number of pick locations). Our fearless leader will be Holly Johnson and we’ll keep you posted as to what lovely fruit will be picked.
Please email info@alamedabackyardgrowers.org if you can make it and we will fill you in on the meeting location details. Bring gardening gloves (if you have them), water and a hat. Picking tools will be provided.
Thanks! See you then!
Jillian Saxty
Project Pick Coordinator
A chance to come and share your garden successes, ask gardening questions, and catch up on the latest goings-on at ABG!
Hi Pickers,
Long time, no pick! We’ll that’s about to change as we move into fall. Lots of apples are coming in, along with some persimmons and the perennial citrus fruits.
Please let me know if you can make it this Sunday afternoon from 2 to about 4:30PM and I will forward the joining location. Please bring water and gloves and a hat.
Mark your calendars for upcoming picks:
Saturday, September 29, 10 to noon
Saturday, October 13, 2 to about 4PM.
It’s raining apples! We will have at least 2 apple trees to pick Saturday, September 29 from 10AM to about noon. Please let me know if you can make it and I’ll advise the joining location.
Don’t forget to bring gardening gloves (if you have them), a hat and some water.
Upcoming pick:
Saturday, October 13 from 2 to 4PM
Hi Pickers,
Hope you can make it Saturday, October 13 from 2 – 4PM. There’s bound to be a wonderful mixture of ripe fruit to pick!
Please let me know and I’ll advise joining instructions.
Please bring a hat, water and gardening gloves if you have them.
Jillian Saxty
Project Pick Coordinator
Many fruit trees grow well in Alameda, and winter is a great time to plant a new fruit tree. Join us as Marla Koss and Birgitt Evans share their extensive knowledge and experience in raising fruit trees in Alameda. They’ll demystify which trees work well here, which don’t, and why; why root stock is important; size considerations; and how to understand and work with chill hour requirements; and more.
About our Speakers:
Birgitt Evans has grown her own food on a large scale for the past 25 years and created a successful garden and nursery business. She is passionate about growing and raising food and seeks to encourage and educate others so they can also share the benefits of fresh, healthy, homegrown food. She is an Alameda County Master Gardener and is presently the Alameda Backyard Growers president.
Marla Koss has thirty-plus years of backyard mistakes and triumphs in Alameda and deep knowledge of fruit tree growing in Alameda. In 2016 Marla helped design and implement Project Tree in partnership with The Alameda Sun, and continues to help shape its mission to plant more trees in Alameda.
Hi Pickers,
Orange is the new green! We have oranges and persimmons this Saturday, Nov. 3 from 2 – 4:30PM.
Please let me know if you CAN come and help us pick, and I will let you know the joining location.
Please bring gloves, a hat and water.
Thank you!
Jillian Saxty
Project Pick Coordinator
With Natalie Kilmer of the mini-farm consulting business The Little Acre. Natalie leads hands-on workshops with Greywater Action.
Note: This meeting is one week later than our normal meeting schedule.
Hi Pickers!
Thank you for all your help this year! To date we’ve picked and delivered 3,845 lbs to the Alameda Food Bank (and 39 lbs of figs to Food Shift Kitchen). Well done!
We have one more pick scheduled in 2018 – on Saturday, Dec. 8 at 2PM. We need more trees for this pick, so please tell your friends and neighbors with trees laden with extra fruit to contact us.
Please let us know if are able to help pick by emailing info@alamedabackyardgrowers.org and I will let you know where to meet up.
Meanwhile – Happy Thanksgiving!