
Help Save our Monarchs in Alameda @ Shoreline Park #1
Jul 20 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am

Help Save Our Monarchs by Planting Milkweed and Flower Seeds!

Last Thanksgiving, only 28,429 monarchs were counted in their wintering colonies compared to a historic population of about 10 million in the Western Monarch migration. Today monarchs face several challenges, the most intractable being a lack of milkweed (Asclepias spp.), where females typically lay their eggs, as well as a lack of winter blooming nectar plants to feed them along their journey. They are also being decimated by the increased use of glyphosate in agriculture, which kills milkweed and other sources of food for these butterflies.

If you have a sunny, open 4′ x 4′ space where you could plant milkweed and butterfly flowers – you could be part of the solution!

At this special workshop we will talk about how to plant and maintain a butterfly garden, then help you plant California native milkweed (and other flower seeds) so you can create your own butterfly garden. You will leave with milkweed, winter blooming flowers and information on how to help the monarchs!

Film – Symphony of the Soil @ Rhythmix Cultural Works
Jan 13 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

On Monday, January 13, ABG will present a movie night at Rhythmix, 2513 Blanding Ave. in the city of Alameda , co-hosted by StopWaste! Free popcorn!

Please bring your own container for water to reduce waste.

Trevor Probert of StopWaste will lead a Carbon Farming discussion after the movie.

Our movie, ‘Symphony of the Soil‘ is an artistic exploration of the miraculous β€œliving skin of the earth.” By understanding the elaborate relationships between soil, water, the atmosphere, plants and animals, we come to appreciate the complex and dynamic nature of this precious resource. The film examines our human relationship with soil, the use and misuse of soil in agriculture, deforestation and development, and the latest scientific research on soil’s key role in ameliorating the most challenging environmental problems of our time, including climate change. Filmed on four continents and featuring esteemed scientists and working farmers and ranchers, Symphony of the Soil is an intriguing presentation that highlights possibilities of healthy soil creating healthy plants creating healthy humans living on a healthy planet.


Trevor Probert is a Program Services Specialist at StopWaste and resident of Alameda.

Trevor Probert is a Program Services Specialist at StopWaste and resident of Alameda. He teaches StopWaste’s public workshops on composting, gardening for soil health, and carbon farming. Trevor works with urban farms and community gardens to set up on-site composting systems. He has worked as an elementary school garden teacher, classroom teacher, and landscape contractor, and has bachelor degrees in Geography and Environmental Science and a master’s degree in Education.

Cultivating the Urban Forest @ Alameda Free Library, Stafford Room
Jan 15 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

The City of Alameda’s Climate Action and Resiliency Plan recognizes the importance of trees:

  1. Trees sequester carbon by breathing in carbon dioxide and storing the carbon as plant material
  2. Trees not only help settle airborne particles during wildfire smoke events, but also remove carbon from the atmosphere and reduce heat impacts

As part of its climate action and resiliency efforts, Alameda is updating its 2010 Street Tree Plan. A vibrant urban forest can help protect us from the impacts of climate change, sequester carbon, increase property values, and promote social equity.

Come hear the research conducted by CASA’s (Community Action for a Sustainable Alameda) Brown University winter intern Kian Kafaie on Wednesday, January 15th at 6 p.m. in the Stafford Room at the Alameda Free Library, 1550 Oak Street, Alameda, CA 94501.

Light refreshments will be served and there will be an opportunity for questions and discussion.

Download the event PDF here.

CANCELLED – Earth Day 2020 @ Upper Washington Park
Apr 18 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

Sadly, due to COVID-19, the City of Alameda has cancelled the Earth Day festival in Washington Park. Please celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day by supporting your favorite environmental organization, or participating in any of the many online events via many environmental non-profits.

Take care and stay healthy! Alameda Backyard Growers

Come and visit our booth at the 50th Anniversary Celebration of Earth Day! We’ll have tomato plants to buy, information to share (on growing food, going plastic free, planting trees, etc.).

You may also have the opportunity to plant trees around Washington Park.

We’ll be sharing our booth with StopWaste – so you can learn more about stopping food waste, urban carbon farming and much more!

If you’d like to volunteer at our booth, please email us:

Looking forward to seeing you there!

ABG Earth Day Volunteers 2018

ABG 2020 Earth Day Plant Sale
Apr 25 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

ABG Announces Our 2020 Earth Day (Spacial Distancing) Plant Sale!

10AM – 1PM Saturday April 25th. Location will be emailed to attendees.

Every year at Earth Day, we sell hundreds of tomato plants and people come back for them year after year. This year, with more gardeners and fewer seedlings, we have added basil, squash, cucumbers and a few greens to the mix, moved the sale to a private residence and added spacial distancing in the form of time slots to keep the crowds down. But we still have our wonderful tomato plants and other veggies to get you through the summer!

How it Works:

1) Click on this Eventbrite link and select a time slot. The earliest slots will have the best selection, so fill those first. We will email you the location when you sign up.

2) Send one (healthy) person per household, wash hands first and wear a mask.

3) Check out the LIST OF PLANTS we have available and note what you want (with second choices), so you can just pick them up and pay when you get to the sale. (Note: there are limits on how many of each plant you can buy so everyone can have some.)

4) Bring either exact change or a check made out to Alameda Backyard Growers along with a pen so you can fill in the final amount. Any cash you leave in excess of your plant total is a tax deductible contribution to ABG and we promise to use it wisely!

ABG Plant Swap
Oct 25 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

October Plant Swap

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Alameda Backyard Growers is inviting you to a socially-distanced, outdoor plant swap.

Please arrive at 1pm.

  1. Masks must be worn and a distance of 6ft or more maintained.
  2. Everyone must use provided hand sanitizer prior to entering the plant swap area.
  3. Attendees must bring at least one plant to donate to the swap.
  4. Make sure plants are clearly labeled. Plants should be in good health and in healthy soil, to minimize the possible spread of garden pathogens.

The location for this event is in West Alameda and will be announced 48 hours prior via email reminder. Please be sure to register with a valid email address that you are able to check.

You may also bring other garden related items: books, magazines, tools (no broken tools), and seeds to place on our FREE table.

Tickets for this event are limited. Click here to register.

ABG October Plant Swap

Acta Non Verba Benefit Concert @ Online
Dec 10 @ 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Per Aspera Ad Astra: From Adversity to the Stars

Benefit Concert with Black Violin

December 10, 2020 from 4 – 7 PM Live Streaming

Acta Non Verba Celebrates 10 Years!

Get tickets here

Acta Non Verba benefit concert

Help Franklin Park Trees with Mulching Project @ Franklin Park
Dec 12 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

100K Trees 4 Humanity is back mulching trees!

This Saturday 12/12 – 9am-12pm
@ Franklin Park. 1432 San Antonio Ave.Β 

10:30am-12pm @Washington Park
740 Central Ave., Alameda, CA

Join us and Alameda Recreation and Parks Department (ARPD) as we work to help save these trees on this day of mulching!

First 40 people to sign up get to volunteer.Β  Signup here!

Masks are mandatory. We follow a strict COVID protocol of social distancing and work procedures found here. We ask all participants to adhere to these guidelines at all events and work projects.

Tools: We are providing mulch, buckets, wheelbarrows and shovels.Β 

Optional: If you want, bringΒ your own gloves, water bottle, and shovel.

See you on the 12th!

Tree Mulching Franklin Park

Build Healthy Soil by Sheet Mulching
Apr 20 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Lori Caldwell

Sheet mulching is an easy and efficient technique for saving water, recycling resources, suppressing weeds and building healthy soil. Please join Lori Caldwell as she discusses the steps for this process as well as her own tips and tricks for how to sheet mulch. Please bring all your questions!

Lori Caldwell is an Alameda County Master Composter, self taught edible gardener and residential sheet mulch maven. Her mission is to β€œconnect people to the soil and all that it provides”. She has been happily teaching sustainable gardening classes and transforming yards in the San Francisco Bay Area since 2007.

Register on Eventbrite

ABG’s 2nd Annual Socially Distanced Plant Sale
Apr 25 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Registration will begin in April and we will send the link in early April.

On April 25th, we will host our 2nd annual plant sale at a private residence featuring our β€œAlameda Famous Tomatoes”, 19 carefully curated varieties packed with flavor and designed to do well here in Alameda. We will also have a selection of Winter Squash, Zucchini, Cucumbers, Basil, Peppers and Loofas for sale. And we will have some pollinator friendly flowers available to help make your 2021 garden a great success.

Register here!

ABG Plant Sale