Free Trees Available

Free Trees Available for Yards or Sidewalks

Did last September’s heatwave make you long for a shade tree? Do you want to do your part for climate change by planting a tree? Maybe you want to beautify your street.

If so, you are in luck. A generous donor has available the following trees, all in #15 containers or larger, to give away to residents for free. Some are approved for street tree use and others must go on non-sidewalk property. (See the lists below.) The trees must be planted at locations approved by donor that will not conflict with other trees. Contact Chris at or call 510-523-0411, if you are interested.

Trees Available For Alameda NON-Sidewalk Use as of 5-16-23

3 Aesculus hippocastanum (European Horsechestnut)
1 Fagus sylvatica ‘Pendula’ (Weeping European Beech)
1 Fagus sylvatica ‘Riversii’ (Purple European Beech)
1 Nothofagus antarctica (Antarctic Southern Beech)
1 Ostrya virginiana (American Hop Hornbeam)
1 Quercus rubra (Northern Red Oak)
6 Tilia americana ‘Redmond’ (American Linden)
1 Ulmus americana ‘Colonial Spirit’ (American Elm)
1 Ulmus americana ‘Prairie Expedition’ (American Elm)
1 Ulmus americana ‘Valley Forge’ (American Elm)

Trees Available For Donation for Alameda Sidewalk Planting as of 5-16-23

3 Acer nigrum ‘Green Column’ (Black Maple)
1 Acer saccharum ‘Endowment’ (Sugar Maple)
2 Nyssa sylv. ‘Firestarter’ (Black Tupelo)
1 Nyssa sylv. ‘Green Gable’ (Black Tupelo)
1 Nyssa sylv. ‘Majestic’ (Black Tupelo)
4 Nyssa sylv. ‘Red Rage’ (Black Tupelo)
1 Pyrus calleryana ‘New Bradford’ (Callery Pear)
2 Pyrus calleryana ‘Javelin’ (Callery Pear)
1 Quercus shumardii (Southern Red Oak)
2 Taxodium distichum ‘Lindsey’s Skyward’ (Bald Cypress)
2 Tilia tomentosa seedlings (Silver Linden)
3 Ulmus americana ‘Jefferson’ (American Elm)

In addition, another donor has three 3 – 5’ Redwood trees available for free. Please email ABG at if you are interested in a redwood tree.