
Resources for Mid-Spring Garden in Alameda

by Linda Carloni April is plant sale month! Specifically, pop-up sales of veggie seedlings for spring and summer harvest. ABG’s annual spring plant sale is Saturday, April 20, 2024 at Alameda’s Spring Shindig. Basics of planting those seedlings Prep your soil, be it in pots, in raised beds or the […]

Spring Shindig ABG Plant Sale

Peach Leaf Curl

Late Spring Early Summer Resource Roundup

by Linda Carloni, Master Gardener and ABG Board Member The winter rains brought us much needed water, leading to increased water availability for agriculture and cities, a bounteous wildflower bloom, and a start to recharging our depleted groundwater. It also brought us a very severe peach leaf curl season. Peach […]

Early Spring Resource Roundup

by Linda Carloni The calendar says it’s spring, but with our continuing atmospheric river-fueled storms, it often still feels a lot like winter, a wet chilly winter. Nevertheless, there are tasks in the garden to tackle when you can seize a dry day. Remember to avoid working the soil when […]

ABG Annual Plant Sale

Garden Planning Winter Veggies

Planning for the Year on Your Urban Farm

by Birgitt Evans Master Gardener and ABG Board Member  When we first moved to Alameda, we rented a house with a huge garden and I began my lifelong experiment with growing as much of our food as I possibly could. In those days, I was wildly experimental, growing six colors […]

Growing Asparagus

by Linda Carloni, Master Gardener and ABG Board Member For me the very best reason to plant asparagus is because it’s delicious. It also grows well here by the Bay, thriving in cool, humid summers. Asparagus is a perennial plant, so you plant it one year and with luck it […]

growing asparagus

Unculled peach branch

Thin Excess Fruit Now to Improve This Year’s Crop

Alameda Sun, Thursday, May 14, 2020 by Marla Koss In a time of food insecurity, what could be more inviting than a tree covered in fruit? The again, sometimes the gods can be too kind. Overly generous fruit loads have a way of breaking branches and yielding small, poor-quality fruit […]

Growing Vegetables from Seeds in April

by Birgitt Evans, ABG Board member and Master Gardener What a wild ride March was! Lives were turned upside down. We traded security for uncertainty. While many people ran for toilet paper, the rest of us surveyed our options and decided that we preferred home food security. And then we […]

Starting from seed

Spring Fruit Tree Prunning

Fruit Trees 101, Part Three: Spring Tasks

by Marla Koss, Alameda Backyard Growers Board Member Alameda Sun, Thursday, April 12, 2018 As Alameda’s deciduous fruit trees have come out of dormancy, passers-by might be forgiven for having simply enjoyed the beauty of their blossoms, unaware of the dynamic little miracle advancing the tree’s true mission. In super-slow-motion […]

Integrated Pest Management for Spring Pests

with Susan Fritz of the UC Master Gardener Program of Alameda County April 17, 2018, 7 to 8:30 pm Rhythmix Cultural Works, 2513 Blanding Avenue, Alameda Looking forward to enjoying some lovely spring crops soon? Want to prevent those spring insects from enjoying your crops first? Join Alameda County Master […]

Integrated Pest Management

Planning Your Spring Garden, Including Companion Planting

Monday, March 10, 2014 6:30 – 7:30 pm Rhythmix Cultural Works 2512 Blanding, Alameda The rains have come (a little), the trees are blooming and spring will soon be upon us. It’s time to pull together all those random thoughts you had dreaming over seed catalogs and put together your […]